Women's Kyudo Retreat

Along with individual and group practice, as well as reviewing basic skills, the retreat considers the unique strengths and challenges of women and the practice of kyudo. Whether you have been away from kyudo for a while or are a regular practitioner, consider this opportunity to explore your practice in a nurturing environment. We'll come together in the spirit of open heart to celebrate our shared journey. This retreat began in 2014 and is open to all women, including cis and trans women who have taken First Shot. Class equipment is available.
While there is great benefit attending the entire program, participants may register for a single day or multiple days of attendance. Contact Guest Services at 802-633-2384 or info@karmecholing.org for per-day registration. Class equipment is available.
For questions regarding the program please contact: Grace DiNapoli SeikoKyudo@KarmeCholing.org
Arrival & Departure:
The program begins Friday at 10:00 am on August 30, 2024.
Please plan on arriving between 8:00 and 9:30 am to register and settle in.
Lunch is at 12:30 pm.
The program ends Sunday, September 1 at 3:00 pm.
If you would like to arrive on Thursday, please contact GuestServices@KarmeCholing.org to arrange accommodations.
Prerequisites: Kyudo First Shot
Note: A 50% deposit is required to reserve your accommodation.
Karmê Chöling values its commitment to making programs affordable and available to all who wish to study with us. To support this commitment we provide two program price options.
Generosity Price: $470.00
You're able to help us with this commitment by choosing the "Generosity Price". The money above the basic tuition cost goes into a scholarship fund for those who might not be able to attend a program otherwise.
Tuition: $375.00
This is the price of the program, it does not include housing options or material fees.
Please Note:
Price does not include accommodations, which will be added during the registration process.
Payment Policies:
Please read the payment policy before proceeding with registration.
Financial Aid:
Karmê Chöling offers full-time student discounts, scholarships and other financial aid.
Program Credit:
If using existing program credit to pay for a program, you must pre-register for this program at least two weeks prior to the program start date by calling the front desk (802-633-2384 x3000). Program credit may not be used to pay for housing or practice materials and may not be used on or after arrival day.

Lucy Halverson started her practice of kyudo in 1990 with Susan Budge Sensei and has been a student of Kanjuro Shibata XX, Sendai since 1991. In 1994, Shibata Sendai XX made her the head instructor for the San Francisco area and she has held classes continuously since that time. Lucy has taught or assisted at over 100 retreats and intensives throughout the United States.
Partial Program Daily Rate: $130
Canadian Disc: 20%
Please contact Guest Services if either of these special pricings apply to you.
Lucy Halverson
Date & Time Details:
Program Fee:
Generosity Price - $470
Tuition - $375
Room/Meals Fee:
This will be added in during the registration process.
View accommodations
Heart Gift:
Donation gift to the teacher.
Make a heart gift
Wellness Update:
Read our Wellness Policy
Getting to Karmê Chöling:
Contact Us:
Karmê Chöling
(802) 633-2384
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