
Treading the Path to Enlightenment

The Transcendent Virtues of the Ten Paramitas

Path To Enlightenment

We will discuss the path of the 10 paramitas, the transcendent virtues which overcome samsara/confusion and lead to full enlightenment, the last stage of the Mahayana path.

The program will focus on group sitting meditation and will include walking meditation practice, individual instruction, relevant talks, and group discussion.

A facility and time will be available for those who are engaged in ngondro practice.

Arrival & Departure

Saturday, please arrive 3:00 - 6:00pm for registration.
Dinner will be served at 6:30pm.
The program will officially begin at 7:30pm.

On Sunday, the program will finish by 12:30pm with lunch afterwards.

Getting Here

Visit our Directions and Transportation page to see different options for traveling to Karmê Chöling including pick-up service from Hanover, Lebanon, White River Junction and Burlington to our front door.


Karmê Chöling values its commitment to making programs affordable and available to all who wish to study with us. To support this commitment we provide two program price options.

Generosity Price: $720.00
You're able to help us with this commitment by choosing the "Generosity Price". The money above the basic tuition cost goes into a scholarship fund for those who might not be able to attend a program otherwise.

Tuition: $600.00
This is the price of the program, it does not include housing options or material fees.

Please Note:
Price does not include accommodations, which will be added during the registration process.


Payment Policies:
Please read the payment policy before proceeding with registration.

Financial Aid:
Karmê Chöling offers full-time student discounts, scholarships and other financial aid.

Program Credit:
If using existing program credit to pay for a program, you must pre-register for this program at least two weeks prior to the program start date by calling the front desk (802-633-2384 x3000). Program credit may not be used to pay for housing or practice materials and may not be used on or after arrival day.


John Baker
John Baker

John Baker has been an active student and teacher of Buddhism for more than 54 years. A close disciple of Chögyam Trungpa, Rinpoche, he co-founded Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado, serving as its CEO for the first three years of its existence and teaching Buddhism there for five. He also co-founded and co-directed the Karma Dzong Meditation Center in Boulder. He is the co-editor of Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism and The Myth of Freedom and the author of numerous articles. After 23 years in private business, he retired in 2000. He has continued to teach Buddhist thought and meditation practice throughout North America, delivering lectures, weekend programs, and multi-month courses. Today he is a senior teacher in the North American Buddhist community and at the Path of Awakening Buddhist Center. He has led month-long meditation programs at Shambhala Mountain Center and Karme Chöling Meditation Center and has taught at the Vajradhatu Seminary. John lives again in Boulder, Colorado and with his partner, Valerie Robin.

Barry Cunningham
Barry Cunningham

Barry Cunningham was introduced to Buddhist study and practice at the New York Shambhala Center in 1995. Inspired by the teachings of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche and Tibetan Buddhism in general, he completed all of the Shambhala training levels in New York before moving to Westchester in 1999. He became involved with the Westchester Buddhist Center shortly after its founding in 2009 and participated in every Buddhist study course offered there, which included meditation instructor and teacher training programs. Subsequently, Barry was approved to teach meditation and Buddhist doctrine. Experience in group and solitary retreats fueled Barry’s inspiration to convey the teachings which he has done since 2015, providing individual meditation instruction, dharma talks in a variety of settings, and co-teaching with John Baker for Westchester Buddhist Center and now Path of Awakening Buddhist Center. Barry lives in Irvington NY. Barry is currently completing his ngöndro, the Vajrayana "preliminary" practices.

Michael Kern
Michael Kern

Michael Kern became a student of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche in 1978, receiving the Vajrayogini abhisheka in 1985, and is currently a student of Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche. He graduated in 1980 from Naropa University with an M.A. in Buddhist and Western Psychology and earned a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the University of Colorado in 1986. He taught Child Development in the Naropa University program and worked for many years with children, adolescents and families in different clinical settings.

Authorized as a meditation instructor in 1982, he has staffed and taught in a variety of programs both at land centers and local Shambhala centers. Since retiring in 2018, he has pursued Buddhist study every summer at Nitartha Institute and has attended pilgrimages to Bhutan and India. He has been a co-teacher with Path of Awakening for the past few years and currently lives in Connecticut.

On-LandOpenBuddhadharmaExtended Retreats


John Baker

Barry Cunningham

Michael Kern

Date & Time Details:

April 2025



Program Fee:

Generosity Price - $720

Tuition - $600

Room/Meals Fee:

This will be added in during the registration process.
View accommodations

Heart Gift:

Donation gift to the teacher.
Make a heart gift

Wellness Update:

Read our Wellness Policy

Getting to Karmê Chöling:

Directions and transportation

Contact Us:

Karmê Chöling
(802) 633-2384

Register Now

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