Lama Tsondru

Lama Tsöndrü Sangpo

Lama Tsöndrü Sangpo was ordained at the age of eight at Gonjang Samten Chopuk Monastery in Tibet. In 1959 at age eleven, Lama Tsöndrü fled Tibet to Nepal and then to Darjeeling India where he continued his religious studies. In 1971, he enrolled in Varanasi Sanskrit University where he remained for six years diligently studying with devotion. Throughout his life, Lama Tsöndrü has received empowerments and instruction from many celebrated Nyingmapa masters and scholars.

Lama Tsöndrü is a notable master thangka painter. He trained under the guidance of Master Zarwa Archok, Master Phuntsok Zangpo and Master Bumdrak Rinpoche of Bumtang, Bhutan. To date, Lama Tsöndrü’s work can be found in temples around the world, including murals of the old Bumtar Monastery, the stupa in memory of the late King of Bhutan, the Zangdok Pelri Monastery in India and Chatral Rinpoche’s Nyungne Lhakhang in Siliguri. He also received continuous personal guidance from Chatral Sangye Dorjé Rinpoche – his spiritual protector for this and all future lives, who provided advice on the crucial points of thangka painting and detailed instruction on each deity.

Lama Tsöndrü is also the founder and former director of Samten Chopug Monastery and the Traditional Tibetan Thangka Painting School in Darjeeling, India.

When not in India, Lama Tsöndrü resides in Hamden, Connecticut. He is the founder and resident teacher of Thupten Ling Dharma Center where he teaches Buddhism, thangka painting, and Tibetan language.

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