
Electronic Devices
Karmê Chöling provides a contemplative practice environment for program participants, guests, and staff. This is supported by a culture of mindfulness and respectful community living. While music and electronic devices are an integral part of modern life, they can be distracting in a retreat center. The following policy was developed with this in mind and applies to program participants, volunteers, and staff. Devices used visually with no sound: Computers, laptops, and any other devices used as computers (i.e. using your phone to check e-mails, or for texting). These can be used anywhere in the house except in the shrine room during a practice session. Devices using sound and audio: Cell phones and other devices used for phone calls, Zoom calls or watching movies (even with headphones) are to be used in: Private rooms Offices The Household Commons when otherwise not in use or The MI meeting rooms on the third floor when not being used in a program. (If this proves to be a hardship, please see your program coordinator or Guest Services.) Formal Group Practice or Study Sessions: Groups may use electronics to present teachings or a movie to a group in a public space, such as the lower living room, dining room, or Main Shrine Room. These will be arranged by the KCL leadership. These guidelines apply to all Karmê Chöling premises, including Ashoka Bhavan. (Family Camp is an exception) Music may be listened to or played at all times in the “Commons” room in the basement. Please be mindful of the noise level depending on time of day. Music should not be heard beyond the Commons space. Music may be played outside only when there are no programs on the land, unless there is a special event. Please take the cues from the phenomenal world when this is appropriate. Music may be listened to quietly in the kitchen but ONLY when there are no programs or staff practice days, and no in-house retreatants. There may be other circumstances when playing or listening to music is acceptable and even encouraged. If you are unsure, please check with KCL leadership. Please be aware of how sound can travel through walls and floors. Be mindful of the noise level from your conversations, phone calls, musical instruments, and computer use. Make sure that the sound can't be heard beyond the space you are in. There are electronic noise makers you can use outside your door and headphones work very well to reduce the noise. If you are having difficulty working with these guidelines, please contact KCL leadership to come up with solutions These policy guidelines for Electronic Devices, Music, and Noise Levels are self regulated. We all have the authority to ensure that our practice and living space is free from unnecessary distractions. Remember, not everyone is familiar with the protocols at KCL or they may have a strong unconscious habit of taking their devices everywhere with them. With a light touch, all of us can gently remind one another when this policy is not adhered to. If you feel uncomfortable reminding individuals of the policy, speak with your program coordinator, Department Head, or Guest Services to determine what skillful means can be employed.

Alcohol & Drug Policy
Karmê Chöling is committed to creating an environment conducive to personal growth. Our intention is to support contemplative practices and a reflective lifestyle that is rooted in mindfulness. In accord with this vision, we ask that all staff, volunteers, program participants, and visitors follow our Alcohol and Drug Policy. We kindly request that everyone respect these guidelines, as failure to do so may result in dismissal or being asked to leave. Illegal Drugs: No use of illegal drugs on the Karmê Chöling premises, including prescription drugs that are not prescribed to you. Marijuana: No use of marijuana on KCL premises. No Alcohol in Public: No use of alcohol in public spaces at KCL except for ritual use and social events, both of which need prior KCL leadership approval. This includes: The Main House and Ashoka Bhavan Offices which are considered public spaces Where Alcohol is Permitted: Alcohol is permitted in your private room and in the "Commons" room located down in the basement. No Alcohol While Working: For staff and volunteers, there is no drinking while actively on the job. This includes days, evenings, or weekends. Dathüns: In order to create an appropriate practice environment for dathüns, modeled after the monastic tradition, there will be no alcohol consumption anywhere at KCL (Main House, Patneaude House, Ashoka Bhavan) during the first ten days of the program. Programs with Minors: No use of alcohol during programs involving minors (for example Family Camp). Inebriation: No consumption of alcohol to the point that it results in drunkenness.

Pets Policy
Pets can be brought onto Karmê Chöling land for a “day visit”. Please follow these guidelines: Pet stays on a leash Please clean up any droppings your pet leaves behind Pets do not come into the house There is a “no pets” policy at Karmê Chöling. This applies to staff, volunteers, residents, participants and guests. This policy accommodates people with allergies to animals as well as people who are not comfortable around them. No pets in the campground or cabins No pets in the Main House or Ashoka Bhavan We do accommodate Service Animals in accordance with Federal law, when we are notified at registration. Service Animals must be housebroken They must be kept under control Guest Services needs to know you will be bringing a Service Animal with you. Please let us know when you register.
Community Practice
The Karmê Chöling Household's daily meditation practice sessions are open to the public every evening, Monday through Friday. Each practice session is led by a member of the KCL Household. Practice starts at 5:30pm and ends at 6:30pm Eastern Time. Please arrive by 6pm to settle in and be on time to line up at the door. We would love to have you join us in person! If you are new to Karmê Chöling, please contact us in advance at info@karmecholing.org so that we can arrange to have someone meet you at the door and show you the way to the meditation hall. White Tara Practice Tuesdays 5:30pm Sitting meditation and Tonglen Practice on other evenings 5:30pm All regular practice days finish with Protector and closing chants 5:30pm: Sitting Meditation 5:50: Tonglen Practice (10 minutes) 6:10pm: Protector & Closing Chants (20 minutes) These practices take place during the KCL Household Meditation Practice Session beginning at 5:300pm daily, except where noted otherwise. White Tara Practice Sadhana of Mahamudra Half-Day Meditation Retreats Shambhala Sadhana

Polishing the Jewel
Karmê Chöling depends on financial donations for approximately 25 percent of its operating budget. Donations are especially needed with some of the more expensive upgrades and improvements to our infrastructure. These can include projects in: The Main Shrine Room Guest rooms The Pavilion The Organic Garden The Main House Ashoka Bhavan The Retreat Cabins And other structures and features at Karmê Chöling We very much appreciate your kindness and generosity. Thanks to your support, we can continue to offer a "sacred" place for people to be introduced to meditation, to find well-structured programs, and to take meaingful retreats. This is as true for beginners as it is for longtime practitioners. Karmê Chöling Shambhala Meditation Center is a Section 501(c)(3) charitable organization Make a Donation Karmê Chöling is a Buddhist meditation retreat center founded by Chogyam Trungpa, a Tibetan lineage holder. Established in 1971, it is one of the oldest retreat centers in the US. Situated in beautiful Vermont, it is also the first of Shambhala’s four long term retreat centers. From its start as a center for meditation retreats in New England, it has become a global movement with a community of meditators working together to build enlightened society.
Programs by Topic
Start Here Silent Simplicity Wellness & Healing Programs on wellness, healing and recovering at Karme Choling in Vermont Contemplative Movement Contemplative movement programs at Karme Choling in Vermont Qigong & Taoism Kyudo Dharma Arts Shambhala Path Family & Youth Buddhist Teachings

Accommodations / Transportation
Accommodations Accommodations at Karme Choling Meditation Retreat Center, Vermont Directions & Transportation Transportation and directions to Karme Choling Meditation Retreat Center, Vermont
Revenue Sharing Programs
Karmê Chöling is offering profit sharing with certain online courses. Local groups or centers are able to connect to these courses virtually and share 50/50 the net income after expenses. This allows local centers to offer a greater variety of courses without the expense of setting up a program themselves. Karmê Chöling provides the online platform, teachers, and technology for a course or retreat You let us know that your group or center would like to participate in one of our profit sharing programs. these courses or retreats locally by filling out this form. Make sure to indicate who your main local point person will be for the course or retreat. Once you have filled in this form, the Shambhala Online Registrar will send your Centre or Group’s point person a link that you can use to ask people to register for the course or retreat. The Registrar will also give specific Shambhala Database access to your local point person so they can see who has registered from your local Center or Group. Please promote these courses in the same way as you would any other local course or retreat. The only difference is, you will send people via a link on your local webpage to the Shambhala Online website to register (this will be the link provided to you by Shambhala Online’s Registrar). You can click here for a good example of language you could use for your local Shambhala Centre or Group website from the Denver Shambhala Centre, Sept, 2023. (Technical note: If you’re seeing extra “Register Here” buttons on the webpage that shouldn’t be there, uncheck “Allow registrations” in the SDB event and “Save” your changes.) When your community members register through the unique course link, they will be prompted to enter which Centre or Group they are connected to, and Shambhala Online will track this. Registrants will receive individual access to the course materials. We encourage you to offer in-person gatherings locally. For example, your community members can gather together in person to watch live sessions and online recordings. In-person discussion groups and readings are another great option. Please note, this is not a requirement. After the course has run, Shambhala Online will send you a check or will transfer funds for 50% of the net income made through the registration link you shared with your community. If you have questions, contact the Shambhala Online Registrar, Andy Benson, at registrar@shambhalaonline.org or you can review this FAQ document for more information. Benefits for Your Centre or Group No financial outlay or risk to you. Your Centre or Group will no longer have to purchase courses ahead of time. If your community members register using the revenue share course link, your Centre or Group will receive 50% of the net income from the course. Individuals will now get their own course materials, meaning Centres and Groups will no longer have to share links. There will be much less local administration. Your community members can take courses with wonderful teachers from across the mandala. You can build your local community and expand your course offerings. Upcoming Courses within the Revenue Share Program:

There are work-study opportunities available to student groups and organizations. Things to consider when looking at work-study: Number of hours you have available to work Length of time your group will be here Length and type of instruction you are looking for Type of accommodations you are interested in Please contact us to find out more and make arrangements. info@karmecholing.org
Meditation opportunities for students
Custom Personal or Group Retreats Residency Work-Study Program Volunteer