March 20 – June 25 (2021): Dharma.U Cycle 1
“… In order to free those who suffer at the hands of the three lords of materialism
And are afraid of external phenomena, which are their own projections,
I take this vow in meditation.”
The Three Lords of Materialism are constantly enticing us into traps of body, speech and mind. Take a quick look at any newsfeed or social media site and you will see the fruits of their labor. These tricksters of Samsara want us to believe we’ve got the answers — THE thing, idea or state of mind — that will solve it all for ourselves and others. What’s really happening is that we’re being duped again and again into repeating the same karmic cycles with the same klesha* eruptions that keep us enmeshed in the suffering of samsara.
This three-month cycle of dharma study will begin on March 20 with a one-day practice intensive and an introduction to the practices that help us see clearly what these tricksters are up to. It concludes with a week-long meditation retreat, June 19 – 25.
The subscription-based study cycle includes:
- A Weekend Intensive on the Sadhana of Mahamudra
- Book study, in small teacher-facilitated cohorts of:
- “Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism”
- “The Future Is Open: Good Karma, Bad Karma, and Beyond Karma”
- Other book-study groups being developed
- Regular online group practice
- Shamatha/Vipashyana
- The Sadhana of Mahamudra
- Stroke Practice (for those who have received it)
- Exclusive access to recorded teachings from the Karme Choling archives
- Monthly one-day intensives to practice and discuss the teachings
Registration for Cycle 1 is closed.
*klesha, often translated as “defiled emotion,” is an emotional state that distorts our perception of our world. Anger, desire, frustration, dismissiveness — these can lead us into actions that harm ourselves and others.
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