Richard John: The Trekchö Instructions of Yeshe Tsogyal

Dec. 10 – 12 (2021)| ‘Cutting Through to Primordial Purity’

Yeshe Tsogyal as Queen. Cynthia Moku
In the eighth century, Vajrayogini appeared to Yeshe Tsogyal in a vision and transmitted pith instructions for practicing Trekcho, known as “cutting through to primordial purity.”
This profound but accessible text gives concise instructions for recognizing and resting in the empty and luminous nature of mind.
Acharya Richard John will lead a practice-oriented retreat on these teachings Dec. 10-12 ONLINE AND ON-LAND at Karme Choling. The discipline will emphasize silence, but will include time for commentary and discussion.
This retreat will be very practice-oriented.
This weekend retreat is open to all tantrikas who have attended Vajrayana Seminary or Sacred World Assembly, regardless of your current practice.
About Richard John
An early student of the Vidyadhara, Richard was appointed acharya by Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche in 2002. He completed the first three-year group retreat at Gampo Abbey, and teaches Shambhala Buddhist programs throughout North America, including mahamudra retreats at Dorje Denma Ling, Karme Choling, SMC and Casa Werma. Richard and his wife Liz live in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

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