Free programs for 50th Anniversary Celebration! |Online Sept. 17 - 22

Published in 2020
This Autumn will be a time of celebration here at Karmê Chöling as we celebrate 50 years of dharma practice in Vermont!
Originally known as ‘Tail of the Tiger’, Karmê Chöling was one of the first and remains among the most vibrant dharma communities in the United States.
From September 17th through the 22nd, we will feature a variety of online events for the whole community. The weekend will focus on the practices associated with Karmê Chöling, times of gathering to reflect on the past and dream about the future.
The weekend will open with The Sadhana of Mahamudra and will include an outrageous 24-hour Global Nyinthun, an absurdly ‘formal’ Birthday Party, and conclude with our annual celebration of the Harvest of Peace, marked by a morning Shambhala Sadhana Feast.
Schedule Day by Day
To view the schedule for each day, scroll down or click the date:
Thursday, Sept. 17th
Friday, Sept. 18th
Saturday, Sept. 19th
Sunday, Sept. 20th
Monday, Sept. 21st
Tuesday, Sept. 22nd
Events by Type
For detailed event descriptions, scroll down or click on the program type:
Major Practice Sessions
Celebrations and Special Events
Lineage ‘Cafes’ (special gatherings devoted to major lineage teachers)
Teachings and Discussions
(incl. Sadhana of Mahamudra and Shambhala Sadhana Feast)
Click here to REGISTER FOR THE GLOBAL NYINTHUN Sept 19th-20th
Program Fee:
All programs are offered free of charge. Donations are gratefully accepted.
To donate via the KCL website, Click Here
To donate via PayPal, Click Here
Daily Schedule
Click on each event to view description. Check back often for updates and additions!
Thursday, Sept. 17th
5:30PM – *Sadhana of Mahamudra with Dinner – Sponsored by Shambhala Online
Friday, Sept. 18th
9:00AM – Morning Sitting/Chants
10:30AM – Small Group/ Vajrayana Practices (Schedule TBA)
1:30PM – Lineage Cafe – for all with a heart connection to The ‘Visiting Lamas’
5:30PM – Evening Sitting/Chants
6:30PM Absurdly Formal Fiftieth Birthday Party
Saturday, Sept, 19th
9:00AM – ‘Follow the Sun’ GLOBAL NYINTHUN BEGINS with Morning Sitting/Chants
10:30AM – Small Group/ Vajrayana Practices
12:30PM – *Sacred Land Cookout
1:30PM – Lineage Cafe: for all with a heart connection to “The Founder” the Ven. Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche
4:00PM – “Protecting Compassion” Kasung Gathering
5:30PM – Evening Sitting/Chants
6:30PM – Lineage Cafe : for all with a heart connection to Pema Chodron and Khandro Rinpoche
Sunday, Sept. 20th
9:00AM – GLOBAL NYINTHUN CLOSING SESSION ends with Morning Sitting/Chants
10:30AM – Small Group/ Vajrayana Practices
12:30PM – Past Residents Zoom Luncheon.
1:30PM – Lineage Cafe: for all with a heart connection to Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche
2:30-5:30PM * – Kyudo – Local members of our Kyudo Dojo may gather for practice at the Azuchi.
4:30PM – Shambhala Householder Tea with Shastri Donna Williams
5:30PM – Evening Sitting/Chants
6:30PM – Shambhala And Art Panel Discussion
Monday, Sept. 21st
9:00AM – Morning Sitting/Chants
10:30AM – Small Group/ Vajrayana Practices
5:30PM – Evening Sitting/Chants
6:30 – ‘Karme Choling in ‘Interesting’ Times’ – Discussion
Tuesday Sept. 22nd – Harvest of Peace
10:00 AM – Shambhala Sadhana Feast with Rupa Acharya Suzann Duquette
5:30 PM – Evening Sitting/Chants
6:30 PM – *Aspiration Bonfire
* This event will offer some space for Vermont/New Hampshire residents who wish to participate in person. Please Email to reserve your spot.
Event Descriptions by Type
Major Practice Sessions
*Sadhana of Mahamudra, Sponsored by Shambhala Online – Thursday, Sept. 17th at 5:30PM
Shambhala Online is pleased to host the opening event: a practice of the Sadhana of Mahamudra with Dinner. Join with the Karme Choling Household and sangha members worldwide in Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche’s powerful, foundational practice which arose for just these chaotic times. Stay online afterward (prepare your meal beforehand and have it ready!) for dinner in smaller, group ‘zoom tables’. A mighty way to reconnect with old acquaintances and make new friends.
*Shambhala Sadhana Feast for the Harvest of Peace, Sponsored by Shambhala Online – Tuesday, Sept. 22nd, 10:00AM
Shambhala Online will again host a mahasangha practice of the Shambhala Sadhana followed by a feast brunch. Rupa Acharya Suzann Duquette will umdze the practice and lead us in the feast.
Follow the Sun: A Global Nyinthun (daylong meditation session) – Begins Saturday, Sept. 19th at 9:00AM.
50 years ago, Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche landed in North America and planted the seeds of outrageous sanity in the hearts and minds of a society that was churning with change and unrest. Now, in this society that is churning with change and unrest, Karmê Chöling is celebrating this 50th anniversary with a global homage to outrageous sanity: We are hosting an online, 24-hour nynthün* that starts here in rural Vermont, where those seeds were first planted fifty years ago. We will pass the umdze seat slowly westward and follow the Great Eastern Sun around the globe, through groups, centers, and the hearts of practitioners until we return to Karmê Chöling’s Main Shrine Room 24 hours later. No politics. No preaching. Just practice.
REGISTER HERE to join us for an hour or two, or 15 minutes, or all 24 hours.
Mahasangha Practice Sessions – 9:00AM and 5:30PM Thursday through Tuesday.
Join the Karme Choling Household for daily morning and evening sitting and chants. During the 50th Celebration, practices will highlight the many shrine rooms at Karme Choling, and will include accumulation practices relevant to these turbulent days.
Small Group & Vajrayana Practices – 10:30 AM Friday thru Monday
At 10:30 each morning, members of the Karme Choling Community both on-land and around the world will host as many of the various practices in our lineage as possible. Werma, Chöd, Vajrayogini, Stroke, Scorpion Seal are all in the works. If joining with others to practice during this time speaks to you, please let us know which practices you’re interested in on your registration form. We will then connect you with others and finalize the schedule prior to Sept. 17th.
Kyudo – Sunday, Sept. 20th – 2:30-5:30PM
The Azuchi will be open to Vermont/New Hampshire residents who would like to practice together on land.
Celebrations and Special Events
Absurdly Formal Fiftieth Party – Friday, Sept. 18th at 6:30PM.
The Residents of Karme Choling are DEELIGHTED to extend an invitation to one and all to the OFFICIAL celebration of our half-centennary! Yep! Time to dust off those spats, review those elocution lessons and set the good china properly! The ‘official’ 50th Birthday of Karme Choling will harken back to the practices of form and formality as an avenue of wakefulness. Sashes and tiaras, crystal goblets and well-intoned toasts, and probably a LOT of laughter will reign.
*Sacred Land Cookout – Saturday, Sept. 19th at 12:30PM
What IS it about these 750 acres of lush forest that attracts such drala and power? Zoom in for this outdoor cookout, and join in conversation with several people who know this land best as we remember the many blessings, protections and enchantments of the Karme Choling land.
Past Residents Zoom Luncheon – Sunday, Sept. 20th at 12:30PM
Have you ever lived here? Come back for lunch (digitally, anyway)!. Join the CURRENT class of Karme Choling Residents, swap war…er…wonder stories and be in the company of those who’ve held and been held by this extraordinary house. This will also be a great time to learn about what it means to be a ‘resident’ here going forward.
*Aspiration Bonfire – Tuesday, Sept. 22nd at 7:00PM
We end our celebration where Karme Choling began: looking inward and looking forward. As we circle up in person (and on Zoom), offer a brilliant fire and drift into the autumn evening, we will ask what Karme Choling is becoming. Anyone who would like to join hearts in making an aspiration for the next half-century is welcome to Zoom from home.
Lineage Cafes
Friday, Sept. 18th at 1:30PM – The Visiting Lamas
HH the 16th Karmapa, Dilgo Kheyntse Rinpoche, Thrangu Rinpoche, Khempo Tsultrim Rinpoche, HE the Third Jamgon Kongtrul and all of the major teachers and lineage holders who’ve blessed and protected Karme Choling with their practice. Share your stories and remember!
Saturday, Sept. 19th at 1:30PM -”The Founder”: A gathering for anyone with a heart connection to the Ven. Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche. Connect with old sangha pals and share your stories of being at Karme Choling with the Vidyadhara, the Dorje Dradul of Mukpo.
Sunday, Sept. 20th at 1:30PM – The Sakyong: Anyone with a heart connection to Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche is invited to gather online and share about the many ways you’ve been blessed by his teachings and wisdom. Hosted By:
Tuesday, Sept. 22nd at 1:30PM – “Pema Chodron and Khandro Rinpoche”: These two extraordinary women have had a profound impact on Karme Choling and the Shambhala community. I their teachings have touched your heart, and especially if you were here for any of their teachings, please gather and share your memories and inspirations.
Note: All participants in the 50th Anniversary Event will receive, starting September 1st, a link to a curated selection of video from the KCL archive, which may provide inspiration and provoke memory for discussion!
Protecting Compassion: Kasung Gathering – Saturday, Sept. 19th at 4PM
Dorje Kasung (past, present and future) A-WAKE! Kasungship reaches its fullest expression at land centers like Karme Choling. The practice of being a Dorje Kasung on this land is even more unique still. Join for a time of remembrance, inspiration and ‘clan’.
Shambhala Householder Tea w/Shastri Donna Williams – Sunday, Sept. 20th at 4PM
Karme Choling was Shambhala’s ‘First Household’, and continues to nurture the path of the householder in all of it’s forms. Join Shastri Williams for a discussion of how the household arts can become a path of dignity and sanity no matter where we call ‘home’.
Shambhala and Art Discussion – Sunday, Sept. 20th at 6:30PM
Legendary Shambhala Artist Jack Niland is joined by students Alison Pepper and Tai Pimputkar for an invigorating discussion of art, Mudra Theatre and the path of Warriorship.
Karme Choling in ‘Interesting’ Times – Monday, Sept. 21s at 6:30PM
Karme Choling has weathered many storms over the last 50 years. Cultural upheavals, economic downturns, community scandals and PLENTY of ‘groundless’ days. What have we learned? What wisdom can we draw on to navigate the chaos of the moment? What can our journey offer to others seeking a sense of direction? Join for an exploration of all of these questions.
Program Fee:
All programs are offered free of charge.
Donations are gratefully accepted.
To donate via the KCL website, Click Here
To donate via PayPal, Click Here
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