
Meditation Retreats

Develop mindfulness & awareness
For your everyday life

Retreats, Workshops & ProgramsSelf-Guided Retreats | Choose Dates

A Meditation Community

Connect with us in our New England spiritual retreat center in Vermont. Visit, meditate in our open community sessions, join our team or take a retreat. - We look forward to seeing you!

Find basic intro to Buddhism Classes, meditation intensives, advanced programs and more in our onland programs..
Get Started Here

The Shambhala Path includes Shambhala Training, Sacred Path, Meditation in Everyday Life serices and more.
Tibetan Buddhadharma spans the Hinayana, Mahayana and Vajrayana teachings.
5-day retreats, 7-day retreats and 10-day retreats are available at Karme Choling.
Mind body practices for health, wellness and embodied awareness.
Karme Choling has seven Solitary Retreat Cabins available for deep retreat.
Community meditation practice at Karme Choling open to the public.
Come visit us at Karme Choling meditation retreat center in the Green Mountains of Vermont.
Work or volunteer at Karme Choling meditation retreat center, Vermont
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Getting to Know US

Curious about Karme Choling? Find out more about being here in our video.

Path Of Curiosity

Our programs are a great way to discover who you truly are, how to attain liberation, and learn how to live a meaningful life. Explore these and other questions in our:

Residency: Long-term Stays

Residency at Karme Choling meditation retreat center

Come live at Karmê Chöling with fellow contemplative practitioners. Living at a meditation retreat center is a golden opportunity to deepen your understanding of the mindfulness awareness teachings and apply them to your everyday life.

The best part? You don’t need to leave your day job! Telecommuting is available for all residents.

Learn about residency

Karme Choling Meditation Centers Misty Pond

“Spirituality doesn’t exist on another level different from ordinary life.”

Chögyam Trungpa

What is Karmê Chöling?

Karme Choling is a meditation retreat center in Vermont

Dharma Teachings & Meditation in Community

We are a Buddhist meditation retreat center located in Barnet, Vermont. As a community, we actively work to create a kind and compassionate society by bringing mindfulness into our personal interactions and daily activities.

Learning to work with habitual thoughts and emotions is key to creating a meaningful and satisfying life. We provide support for developing self awareness through meditation with introductory Buddhist sitting meditation classes, dharma retreat programs, custom designed retreats, and solitary cabin retreats. For those interested in learning how to join a Buddhist community, we also offer Residency.

Virtual Tour

Of Karmê Chöling Meditation Retreat Center

Diversity and inclusion at Karmê Chöling

Diversity & Inclusion

We are dedicated to providing an environment that is welcoming, safe, and caring for all!

We recognize that all of us come to Karmê Chöling with a variety of backgrounds and identities. This profoundly impacts how we experience being in the world and being around others.

Given this wide variety of experience, we work to create relationships that are based on trust, that are fair and kind. This means being respectful of each other, working in cooperation, being open to each other’s differences and maintaining good communication.

Read our full Code of Conduct.

Endless Knot depicts Karme Choling's Tibetan Buddhist roots

2500 Years of Buddhism

A lineage of Teachings rooted in Tibetan Buddhism

There is such a wide range of meditation instructions available today, that many people may wonder which is the best way to understand and practice the Buddhist teachings.

It is said that the Buddha gave 84,000 teachings to accommodate the many kinds of students and their learning styles. This implies there is no definitive answer to the question of which teachings are the best. Rather, the answer relies more on what makes sense and works well for the individual practitioner.

Here at Karmê Chöling, we are a lineage-based, Shambhala Buddhist meditation retreat center. Our core teachings come from the wisdom of Tibetan Buddhism, handed down from teacher-to-student through the generations, from the time of the Buddha.

Our founder Chögyam Trungpa, a Tibetan meditation master, fled his monastery and home during China’s invasion of Tibet in 1959. He went on to study at Oxford and become one of the foremost scholars to linguistically and culturally translate Buddhism for his Western students.

We proudly continue this tradition at Karmê Chöling, where we invite people to develop self-awareness through meditation practice and to discover their own inherent wisdom and compassion.

Who We Are

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